Reflection: “The Moment You Realize There’s No Going Back”

The moment came to me this past week or so while at work: the deep realization that I had set my life in motion on the way to my purpose and dreams.

How did I get here? I did this…it was my choice…conscious or unconscious? Or was it really? Divine intervention perhaps?

I do believe that God surely knows when you need to change paths to pursue your calling, the reason why you are here, and sometimes HE gives you a loving push (or allows you to be hit by a train coming at over a 100 miles per hour to show you what the true priorities in life are!)

I also believe that life is about the choices you make with “the cards” you are dealt with along the way.

These are the choices that brought me to today. A moment in time in which I feel whole, blessed and loved.

I choose to believe… in the Holy Spirit but religion is not what I follow. Guarding my heart, mind and soul from the filth of this world while aligning thoughts, words and actions considering my humanity is MY way to show my beliefs.

I choose to live… by my standards, not everyone else’s. This comes with a prize because there’s no “box” for it. Uniqueness and authenticity is often a lonesome and unfriendly path with only a few there to share it.

I choose to be positive and motivated… regardless of life disappointments, attempting to transform the negative energies into positive fuel to keep on.

I choose to be useful… even though sometimes it may feel that one is being used BUT the pleasure to see others positively transform takes over such feelings.

I choose to make changes… within me and then see my whole world as I know it disappear and become anew.

I choose to strive to do my best… without competing with anyone. Not feeling guilty if I keep moving forward faster than others or resentful if I am not moving as others do. “Staying in my lane” guarding my heart from jealousy and insecurities.

I choose to stay in silence…as often as I can to listen to the still voice that guides me instead of the opinions of others.

I choose to LOVE… regardless of the injustices I witness. Life is hard. There is so much pain in the world. That recently jolted me when I had to explain to a child why people kill each other, or when I helped a teenager deal with his own fears of death due to his environment, when I see families breaking up due to finances, disagreements, or fathers not caring for their children, abuse, neglect, sickness or when I to go and share painful experiences with others instead of “hiding my head in the sand” because it is too uncomfortable and overwhelming. LOVE all the way!

I choose to embrace suffering and fear… to acknowledge it in myself and within others and sit in it, and to get to the root of it. Pain is necessary for us to know joy. Like darkness is necessary to know light. Fear is necessary to know courage.

I choose to embrace change…. for routine and boredom is a slow death to me.

I choose to say YES to myself… All that I am and all that God made me to BE. No judgment just deep appreciation and Love for SELF. To accept what I truly want and deserve as a woman in every aspect of my life and no less than that!

I choose to say YES to NO…for what I certainly know is that I want many things and people but many things and people don’t want me since it might be a challenge to get the simplicity or complexity of the depths of my soul.

I choose to use my voice, speak up and ask…and I’m ok with being the “only loud voice in the room.” The ROAR. Sometimes, one loud voice ignites the hearts of many other silent powerful voices, which creates the power needed to begin positive changes at a given moment in time.

No, there’s no going back. I’ll keep my eyes on the sunset watching the line in the horizon, and while I’m at it, I’ll keep praying, reflecting, meditating, and may drink to that too!

Much Love!


Sunday Reflection…


Dance To Feel ALIVE!