Sunday Reflection…

Trying NOT to suffer is worse that the suffering itself This is what I know.

Allow yourself the time to go deeper to the place of “crummy” feelings…you may find that you have healed better than you expected. Let God fill the space, you are only giving yourself the opportunity to heal and learn true love.

A few weeks ago, I made the decision to take this trip to Niagara Falls. Yes, that’s how I roll, spontaneous and allowing space for opportunities. Finding last minute deals and good people that help you also is key.

Even my dear friend at work did not know what she did for me when she came in with a cup of coffee from Niagara Falls. She triggered this adventure!

The truth is that a loved one and I (still loved but no longer MY love) started this trip to Niagara Falls over 10 years ago. We drove 4 hours from the Bronx NY, but we got lost on our way here. We decided to come back to the Bronx and try it again…someday.

Every year we talked about it, every time we talked about getaways we mentioned this trip, but we never took the trip together. So…here I was…ready to feel the pain of the unfinished business of things that did not work the way I thought they would.

I sat in this place last night for a while in introspection with the sound of the water falls roaring in the background.

Call it closure. Standing by the falls last night, I realized that some things are just meant to be that way. We got lost in so many ways and unfortunately did not find our way back. Our lives were supposed to go in different directions, so all is well within my soul.

I accept that this corner of pain in my heart will always be there; it is a part of me. And although that’s the case, I choose NOT to live there. I just visit sometimes to honor the good moments of those 19 years of our lives.

This may sound silly or corny, but I feel that I have arrived to this place, this moment, this stage of my life in more ways than I expected. I am wiser and stronger.

To you: I made it…on my own, and it is gorgeous here…wish you much love and the best always.

As I drive to Montreal, Canada tomorrow I’ll think about the future, the New Year, to open up again and to allow more possibilities into my life…to let God to guide my steps and guard me into the future.

Visiting hours are over!


How to go from Side Hustle to Purposeful Entrepreneurship


Reflection: “The Moment You Realize There’s No Going Back”