One With Life, One In Faith

I heard recently that “Your life lives you” and for a moment my brain stopped. What about the old adage that says, “You live your life?”

I believe that when you live in the flow of life and allow God to lead you, then your “life lives you.” This may occur as you consciously and faithfully decide NOT to force nor to resist anything, but rather to live and do according to the flow of life and the guidance you receive. This decision may bring greater ways and many possibilities to expand your horizons. Mind you, in such a situation EVERYTHING expands …the opportunities AND the challenges too!

The challenges you face often have to do with unresolved items within. Like trust issues, simply because you have lost hope in one aspect of your life, many aspects, or because you simply lost hope in LIFE itself!

As I see it now, TRUST is closely related to HOPE. I recently realized in which aspects of my life I have simply lost hope. This realization brought me to another thought: “Silly woman…if you lost hope on that issue then it will never come to you again! If you don’t believe or trust in it how can it come to you? How can you receive something that you don’t trust in, nor believe in?” AHA!!!!

If your beliefs truly manifest in real life and everyone you encounter is a mirror…do you get it now? Whatever it is that you lost hope for and do not trust in nor believe will NEVER manifest in your life successfully! So simple.

As you lose hope, you often also lose trust. Trust can be lost due to rejection, betrayal, or hurt. Ahhh and it does also impact love. It impacts the way we give love AND the way we receive LOVE, too! It may be love for a friend, family or romantic partner. Think about it …go in…when was the first time that you lost hope? How did it affect trust and subsequently your love for that person? Do you SEE the WALLS you built now? I hope that’s the beginning of SEEING them CRUMBLE too!

I have realized this within myself and for myself: One can still LOVE after betrayal, hurt and rejection. Note that each one of these has a different way to manifest based on our own inner dealings but you CAN adjust the levels of TRUST with people and STILL LOVE them. It is not ALL or NOTHING on everything! Simply trust him or her on the things where he or she consistently and permanently demonstrates trustworthiness.

On the flip side, accept that sometimes you must completely let people go and walk away. Just be wary, that one often can mix love and trust and when one of these is gone, so is the other! I now believe that they can co-exist. Simply because you love who you love but TRUST…that can be offered in levels, over time and giving space. When you let go completely, which sometimes is the way to go, and get distant, you might be missing the opportunity to see others blossom into the best version of themselves. Remember: We are all on a life journey!

“There is no greater battle than the battle between the parts of you that want to heal, and the parts of you that are comfortable and content with REMAINING BROKEN.”
Iyanla Vanzant

What is broken inside that is hindering your success? Where did you lose hope and trust in yourself or in others that got you stuck? Have you taken a good look inside? Yes, beyond the surface all the way into the core of your SOUL. Are you only seeing what you wish to see because acknowledging the truth hurts too much? AHA!

Each of us has a purpose or dream in life…it is so unique for each of us. Do you have it or does it find you? The thing is IF you have lost hope, trust and love within you, you most likely would NOT recognize your dream or purpose EVEN if it KICKS you in the face.

Often, we say: “I kind of want that dream or purpose…” NO! There is no KIND OF! You must want the purpose and dream as much as IT wants you! This is where the all or nothing attitude kicks in and yet you learn to balance that tendency and PAUSE, BREATHE and REFLECT! Do you TRUST yourself enough to live the dream and purpose that picked YOU?

Which one of these do you pick at the end: The PAIN of success or the PAIN of Regret? Ponder on it. Remember that you must TRUST and LOVE in order to get to SUCCESS. It all does come with PAIN, and when you embrace that reality then the veil comes off.

My wish for you is that you find your way to the intersection of TRUST, LOVE and SUCCESS and that you are able to capture this moment to move forward. No, no, no, NOT to move but to FLY ONWARD!


A Poem, a Song / Un Poema, Una Cancion


The Summer Gifts