A Poem, a Song / Un Poema, Una Cancion

As you begin to “live” you suddenly realize that the steps to get to that point in life, in which you feel that you are fully living on purpose, did not come without a price. The price was indeed going through a very painful process. Feeling lost, hurt, broken, hateful, victimized, having hard experiences, and much more.

BUT, just at that moment when one sees oneself spiraling down quickly, a Coach comes through (or more than one because for people like me it might take a village). They come to help you through.

I love my coaches. They came at what I call the “transition/transformation places.” I often still seem to be in these transition places for myself and also for others. I have accepted this now as my purpose in life and do not feel in any way qualified to do it but God knows better than I do and sends the right people for the experience. Sharing the pain, walking together and transforming the pain into fuel to move forward.

In my opinion, traveling into these often dark transition places only brings you to the light. It is a journey that requires a lot of LOVE and STRENGTH…lots of self-love for sure. You travel through it like the chorus of this song:

“I am love sailing, a little boat without direction, I am all yet I am nothing, I am emptiness and passion all at once, a dream sailing, I am woman and I am song, I am all yet nothing, I am emptiness and passion… I you want to plant LOVE…CREATE IT!”


The wisdom in this song is so deep and the way it came to me is another great transition/transformation place to experience.

My humble thanks to you…

Much Love!


Identidad (Identity)


One With Life, One In Faith